#!/usr/bin/env python3 from pprint import pprint from textwrap import dedent import subprocess import requests import argparse import json import time import bs4 import sys import dbm import os import re import logging CONFIG_DIR = os.path.expanduser("~/.local/share/nauta/") try: os.makedirs(CONFIG_DIR) except FileExistsError: pass CARDS_DB = os.path.join(CONFIG_DIR, "cards") ATTR_UUID_FILE = os.path.join(CONFIG_DIR, "attribute_uuid") LOGOUT_URL_FILE = os.path.join(CONFIG_DIR, "logout_url") logfile = open(os.path.join(CONFIG_DIR, "connections.log"), "a") def log(*args, **kwargs): date = subprocess.check_output("date").decode().strip() kwargs.update(dict(file=logfile)) print( "{:.3f} ({})".format( time.time(), date, ), *args, **kwargs, ) logfile.flush() def get_inputs(form_soup): form = {} for i in form_soup.find_all("input"): try: form[i["name"]] = i["value"] except KeyError: continue return form def parse_time(t): try: h,m,s = [int(x.strip()) for x in t.split(":")] return h * 3600 + m * 60 + s except: return 0 def get_password(username): with dbm.open(CARDS_DB) as cards_db: if not username in cards_db: return None info = json.loads(cards_db[username].decode()) return info['password'] def select_card(): cards = [] with dbm.open(CARDS_DB) as cards_db: for card in cards_db.keys(): info = json.loads(cards_db[card].decode()) tl = parse_time(info.get('time_left', '00:00:00')) if tl <= 0: continue info['username'] = card cards.append(info) cards.sort(key=lambda c: c['time_left']) if len(cards) == 0: return None, None return cards[0]['username'], cards[0]['password'] def up(args): session = requests.Session() r = session.get("http://google.com") soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser') action = soup.form["action"] if ('google.com' in ''.join(r.cookies.list_domains()) and not 'secure.etecsa.net' in action): print("Looks like you're already connected. Use 'nauta down' to log out.") return if args.username: username = args.username password = get_password(username) if password is None: print("Invalid card: {}".format(args.username)) return else: username, password = select_card() if username is None: print("No card available, add one with 'nauta cards add'") return username = username.decode() tl = time_left(username) print("Using card {}. Time left: {}".format(username, tl)) log("Connecting with card {}. Time left on card: {}".format(username, tl)) form = get_inputs(soup) #pprint("Calling session.post:") #pprint({"action": action, # "form": form}) r = session.post(action, form) soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser') #pprint("-------soup------") #pprint(soup) form_soup = soup.find("form", id="formulario") #pprint("-------form_soup------") #pprint(form_soup) action = form_soup["action"] #pprint("-------action------") #pprint(action) form = get_inputs(form_soup) #print("form:", form) form['username'] = username form['password'] = password csrfhw = form['CSRFHW'] wlanuserip = form['wlanuserip'] last_attribute_uuid = "" try: last_attribute_uuid = open(ATTR_UUID_FILE, "r").read().strip() except FileNotFoundError: pass guessed_logout_url = ( "https://secure.etecsa.net:8443/LogoutServlet?" + "CSRFHW={}&" + "username={}&" + "ATTRIBUTE_UUID={}&" + "wlanuserip={}" ).format( csrfhw, username, last_attribute_uuid, wlanuserip ) with open(LOGOUT_URL_FILE, "w") as f: f.write(guessed_logout_url + "\n") log("Attempting connection. Guessed logout url:", guessed_logout_url) #pprint("Calling session.post:") #pprint({"action": action, # "form": form}) try: r = session.post(action, form) m = re.search(r'ATTRIBUTE_UUID=(\w+)&CSRFHW=', r.text) attribute_uuid = None if m: attribute_uuid = m.group(1) except: attribute_uuid = None if attribute_uuid is None: print("Log in failed :(") else: with open(ATTR_UUID_FILE, "w") as f: f.write(attribute_uuid + "\n") login_time = int(time.time()) logout_url = ( "https://secure.etecsa.net:8443/LogoutServlet?" + "CSRFHW={}&" + "username={}&" + "ATTRIBUTE_UUID={}&" + "wlanuserip={}" ).format( csrfhw, username, attribute_uuid, wlanuserip ) with open(LOGOUT_URL_FILE, "w") as f: f.write(logout_url + "\n") print("Logged in successfully. To logout, run 'nauta down'") print("or just hit Ctrl+C here, I'll stick around...") log("Connected. Actual logout URL is: '{}'".format(logout_url)) if logout_url == guessed_logout_url: log("Guessed it right ;)") else: log("Bad guess :(") try: while True: print("\rConnection time: {} ".format( human_secs(int(time.time()) - login_time) ), end="") time.sleep(1) if not os.path.exists(LOGOUT_URL_FILE): break except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Got a Ctrl+C, logging out...") log("Got Ctrl+C. Attempting disconnect...") r = session.get(logout_url) print(r.text) now = int(time.time()) log("Response to logout request: '{}'".format(r.text)) log("Connection time:", human_secs(now - login_time)) tl = time_left(username) print("Reported time left:", tl) log("Reported time left:", tl) def human_secs(secs): return "{:02.0f}:{:02.0f}:{:02.0f}".format( secs // 3600, (secs % 3600) // 60, secs % 60, ) def down(args): try: logout_url = open(LOGOUT_URL_FILE).read().strip() except FileNotFoundError: print("Connection seems to be down already. To connect, use 'nauta up'") return session = requests.Session() print("Logging out...") r = session.get(logout_url) print(r.text) if 'SUCCESS' in r.text: os.remove(LOGOUT_URL_FILE) def fetch_expire_date(username, password): session = requests.Session() r = session.get("https://secure.etecsa.net:8443/") soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser') form = get_inputs(soup) action = "https://secure.etecsa.net:8443/EtecsaQueryServlet" form['username'] = username form['password'] = password r = session.post(action, form) soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser') exp_node = soup.find(string=re.compile("expiración")) if not exp_node: return "**invalid credentials**" exp_text = exp_node.parent.find_next_sibling('td').text.strip() exp_text = exp_text.replace('\\', '') return exp_text def fetch_usertime(username): session = requests.Session() r = session.get("https://secure.etecsa.net:8443/EtecsaQueryServlet?op=getLeftTime&op1={}".format(username)) return r.text def time_left(username, fresh=False): now = time.time() with dbm.open(CARDS_DB, "c") as cards_db: card_info = json.loads(cards_db[username].decode()) last_update = card_info.get('last_update', 0) password = card_info['password'] if (now - last_update > 60) or fresh: time_left = fetch_usertime(username) last_update = time.time() if re.match(r'[0-9:]+', time_left): card_info['time_left'] = time_left card_info['last_update'] = last_update cards_db[username] = json.dumps(card_info) time_left = card_info.get('time_left', '-') return time_left def expire_date(username, fresh=False): # expire date computation won't depend on last_update # because the expire date will change very infrequently # in the case of rechargeable accounts and it will # never change in the case of non-rechargeable cards with dbm.open(CARDS_DB, "c") as cards_db: card_info = json.loads(cards_db[username].decode()) if (not 'expire_date' in card_info) or fresh: password = card_info['password'] exp_date = fetch_expire_date(username, password) card_info['expire_date'] = exp_date cards_db[username] = json.dumps(card_info) exp_date = card_info['expire_date'] return exp_date def delete_cards(cards): with dbm.open(CARDS_DB, "c") as cards_db: if len(cards) > 0: print("Will delete these cards:") for card in cards: print(" ", str(card)) sys.stdout.flush() while True: reply = input("Proceed (y/n)? ") if reply.lower().startswith("y"): for card in cards: del cards_db[card] break if reply.lower().startswith("n"): break def cards(args): with dbm.open(CARDS_DB, "c") as cards_db: for card in cards_db.keys(): card = card.decode() card_info = json.loads(cards_db[card].decode()) password = card_info['password'] if not args.v: password = "*" * (len(password) - 4) + password[-4:] print("{}\t{}\t{}\t(expires {})".format( card, password, time_left(card, args.fresh), expire_date(card, args.fresh) )) def cards_add(args): if not args.username: username = input("Username: ") password = input("Password: ") with dbm.open(CARDS_DB, "c") as cards_db: cards_db[username] = json.dumps({ 'password': password, }) def cards_clean(args): cards_to_purge = [] with dbm.open(CARDS_DB, "c") as cards_db: for card in cards_db.keys(): info = json.loads(cards_db[card].decode()) tl = parse_time(info.get('time_left')) if tl == 0: cards_to_purge.append(card) delete_cards(cards_to_purge) def cards_rm(args): delete_cards(args.cards) def cards_info(args): username = args.username with dbm.open(CARDS_DB, "c") as cards_db: card_info = json.loads(cards_db[username].decode()) password = card_info['password'] session = requests.Session() r = session.get("https://secure.etecsa.net:8443/") soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser') form = get_inputs(soup) action = "https://secure.etecsa.net:8443/EtecsaQueryServlet" form['username'] = username form['password'] = password r = session.post(action, form) soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser') print("Información") print("-----------") table = soup.find('table', id='sessioninfo') for tr in table.find_all('tr'): key, val = tr.find_all('td') key = key.text.strip() val = val.text.strip().replace('\\', '') print(key, val) print() print("Sesiones") print("--------") table = soup.find('table', id='sesiontraza') for tr in table.find_all('tr'): tds = tr.find_all('td') if len(tds) > 0: # avoid the empty line on the ths row for cell in tds: print(cell.text.strip(), end="\t") print() def main(args): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( epilog=dedent("""\ Subcommands: up down cards [-v] [-f] cards add [username] cards clean cards rm username [username ...] cards info username Use -h after a subcommand for more info """), formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter ) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers() cards_parser = subparsers.add_parser('cards') cards_parser.set_defaults(func=cards) cards_parser.add_argument("-v", action="store_true", help="show full passwords" ) cards_parser.add_argument("-f", "--fresh", action="store_true", help="force a fresh request of card time" ) cards_subparsers = cards_parser.add_subparsers() cards_add_parser = cards_subparsers.add_parser('add') cards_add_parser.set_defaults(func=cards_add) cards_add_parser.add_argument('username', nargs="?") cards_clean_parser = cards_subparsers.add_parser('clean') cards_clean_parser.set_defaults(func=cards_clean) cards_rm_parser = cards_subparsers.add_parser('rm') cards_rm_parser.set_defaults(func=cards_rm) cards_rm_parser.add_argument('usernames', nargs="+") cards_info_parser = cards_subparsers.add_parser('info') cards_info_parser.set_defaults(func=cards_info) cards_info_parser.add_argument('username') up_parser = subparsers.add_parser('up') up_parser.set_defaults(func=up) down_parser = subparsers.add_parser('down') down_parser.set_defaults(func=down) args = parser.parse_args() if 'func' in args: args.func(args) else: parser.print_help() if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv[1:]) #809bb22296c155ee7f0cbcd69113ee5dd72025294c800570